30 October 2009


salam semua.

lately byk sgt bad news.tiap2 hari ialah hari yg sedey.T_____T
ade hari yg sedey sbb org sakitkan hati ak.*seyes ak xsangka die mcm tue.mmg susa tuk ak maafkan die.tp,bile bekerja dgn die ak ok je.be professional*
ade hari yg sedey sbb dpt result test terok.xtaw la cmne dgn ressult final nanti.*xpela.ak blaja dr kesilapan.xkan nk bejaya je kn*
ade jugak hari2 yg impian ak xtercapai.haish~
ade jugak hari2 yg ak happy.sbb de background bru.wee.rainbow bole buat ak happy bile ak sdey.*smile*.thanx adib sbb lukiskn rainbow nie.lgpon die tgh excited dgn bamboo die.so die nk je buat pape keje yg mengunakan bamboo tue~

n hari nie ak nk release kn sume2 sad story ak kt ipoh.happy story ak tinggal kt bilik.yeay~~

**to my rumate:wani, jgn rindu2 ak taw.wee.gudluck test termo ptg nie.i know u can do it!.chaiyok2*ak harap ko bace post ak b4 ko nye test.*
**to qilah, awin, sha:gudluck test IS nanti.dala rame sbb cmpur 3 course.pandai2 la gunekan peluang yg ada.haha.*faham2 sendiri la ea*

25 October 2009

S208 - announcement

lately tersgt lah banyak test, presentation plus masalah2 yg menyerabutkn kepala.

first.terima kasih kepada sesape yg yg banyak-membantu dlm menyelesaikan masalah2 seharian ak.ak sgt2 menghargai jasa korang.*wink*

saya mengambil keputusan tuk tidak mengONLINEkn gtalk dan juga ym .kepada sesiapa yg ingin menghubungi saya, sila contact Syazwani Mohd Sariffuddin aka rumate saya.itupon kalo die online lah.
esok de test DATABASE.tmbah test DCN byk sgt yg kne bace.15chapter taw.dala mcm bace bed time story je.tmbah dgn OOP lg.masuk sampai module GUI.maksudnye bebelas-belas lah chapter yg nk kne bace.tmbah project OOP lg, yg xabes2 buat.tmbah debate accounting lagi.*ape kaitan debate dgn accounting kn.* tmbah quiz peer group counseling lg khamis nie.tmbah test n presentation FINANCE. hasil tambah sume2 nie equal to takyah ONLINE gtalk n ym.*wink*

**kepada kengkawan, jgn rindu2 ak taw.hp tetap online 24hours 7days a week.

24 October 2009

S207 - hari nie

hari nie ak dpt tgk NUR KASIH secara langsung kt v5 cafe.da lame xtgk cite nur kasih kt tv.asek mintk kwn2 donlod kn je.*time kasih kepada kawan2 yg terlibat*

hari nie jugak ak bejaya buat satu bende yg da lame ak usahakan.*alhamdullilah*.
n xdpt la nk ckp ape yg ak da buat tue.demi menjaga kepentingan bersama.*wink*

hari nie ak dpt taw ayah ak da potong line phone rumah.
*ok,satu announcement.saya da xde telefon rumah*.dunia skang da maju, xde sape nk gune telefon tue.kcian telefon kn.sob.sob. T___T.xle laa nk gayut dgn aifa lagi daa.

and, hari nie jugak ak jumpe sorang kawan yg ntah la.pelik la bg ak.sbb die cm xborink ke asek kaco org je.ade je issue2 yg die nk ckp pase org laen.mybe itu hobby die kowt.mmg xle nk buat pape lah kn.ak berharap die burubah satu hari nanti~

ok.da abes tuk post hari nie.the end.

nexweek ade 3 test.1 presentation.*sigh*
"Semoga Ainul dpt buat test2 n presentation dgn jayanya".amin~

20 October 2009

S206 - kepada yg berkenaan.

attention : post nie ditujukan kepada sesape *yg berkenaan* je.kepada sesape yg xberkenaan, jgn nk toucing lbey2 ea..*wink*

first of all, nk tanye.perlu ke kite appreciate kawan yg x appreciate kite?.smpai bile nk jage hati org je, tp org tue xpenah pon nk jaga hati kite. kite bukanye hidup kt dunia nie tuk menjaga perasaan n hati die je.byk lg keje laen bole buat kn?. second, bile nk buat sumting tue, fikir la dulu ble ko jadi org tue, ape yg ko rase. n jangan expect, bile ko da mintk maaf tue, org bole senang2 je nk maafkan ape yg ko da buat tue. n kalo org tue da bole nk bebaek2 blek eventhough die xbesalah pon, jgn la belagak pulak.kalo da perangai cmnie, xde sape yg suke. rame lg kawan2 yg baek yg ade kt dunia nie. third, ak nk bgtaw ak nie jenis yg xkan pecaya sumting tue b4 ade bukti.sbb org2 zaman skang nie suke bg harapan palsu.*take note ea*. fourth, please respect my life if u want me to respect your life. ak bole consider ape yg ko ckp, kalo bende tue btol.ak penah je ikut ape yg ko advise ak kn?tp. jgn la over2 sgt. ak pon ae life ak sendiri.kalo xsuke ade kwn yg slalu hang out dgn coursemate die, cari laa kawan yg x masuk university, diorg xde coursemate, mesti la diorg xde nk hang out dgn coursemate diorg kn?kalo nk cari kawan yg mentality die same mcm ko, cari la kawan yg blaja skali dgn ko.mesti la mentality korang same kn.ape susa.ak sanggup kawan dgn org yg sanggup terima ak seadanya.n kalo tyme ko busy dulu, ak bole faham ko.xkan bile ak busy ko xle faham ak kowt.fifth, ingt la "what comes around, goes around". n lastly, jgn la kwn dgn seseorg tue sbb ko suke ape yg die ade, sbb bende tue xsemestinye baek tuk ko.

Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 216 :

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.”

sory la kalo lately ak byk sakitkan hati ko.masing2 ade commitment masing.so, we need to understand each other.n i really hope u can understand me.

-the end-

17 October 2009

S205 - dinner marathon

hari nie da 28 syawal.da lame sebenarnye ak nk update blog pase dinner marathon ak.sumenye dinner raya.

1. techies08 [5 oct 2009]



*xde kaitan dgn raya dinner*

2. SIFE raya dinner [9 oct 2009]

3. V5 raya dinner [11 oct 2009]

*wif housemates*

*me n wanie*
ak pling suke gmbar nie.
wani pon suke gmbr nie.

4. syntech raya gathering [15 oct 2009]
*gmbar xde lg.kne tunngu rose blek from pangkor baru bole update gmbar.roseee, im waiting for u....waiting for qilah jugak..nanti tocing2 lak kn.haha*

*nie lah sume2 dinner raya taun nie kt utp.sekian terima kasih*

da abes dinner raya.ade marathon laen plak.project marathon n test marathon.xde post tuk marathon yg 2 nie sbb xde best.haishhh..time2 nie lah nk buat sume bende kn.serabot btol~~~

12 October 2009

S204 - couple

emm. kali nie ak nak ckp pase couple.sbb ak de bace buku awin pase cinta ape ntah.xingt lah tajuk die.ak bace buku nie sbb awin ckp buku nie sgt interesting.bukan sbb ak nak couple ok..*take note*

dlm buku tue ade tuleh macam2 lagi laa..
tp ape yg penting nye..
die ade ckp..

Kalo kite bercouple atas niat nk kawin, xsalah.tp kita perlu pelihara betol2 niat suci kita tue..
tp, kalo kita couple sbb nk seronok2 je, lebih baik kita betulkan niat kita sebelum ape yg kita buat hanya bole mendatangkn fitnah je..
and lagi satu..

jadi soleh, bukan cari yg solehah.
n tuk pmpn, jadi solehah bukan cari yg soleh
*ok.ak sgt terase part nie*

11 October 2009

S203 - my feeling

da lbey seminngu x update blog.agak busy skang nie.ade asemen yg kne hantar nex week.sebek xde test nex week..
nk update cite nur kasih pon da xsempat. ak da tetinggal 2 episode.ak just taw jln cite je.xsempat2 lg nk tgk cite nye.haish~~

plus byk kne pegi dinner and byk jugak dinner yg still pending...
5 oct --> dinner techiesjan08
9 oct -->jamuan raya SIFE
11 oct --> jamuan raya v5
15 oct --> CIS raya gathering

n byk jugak masalah n keserabutan yg melanda.n half of it da settle kowt..
thanks kepada kawanku yg byk membantu.ak bru realise yg kite nie ade byk persamaan kan?haha.
and i have another friend who understand me.but the person missing in action right now.dunno what happen to the person.*blank*..

06 October 2009

S202 - dinner techies

baru blek dinner techies jan08 kt laksamana cheng ho.
after pegi men bowling kt ipoh parade.*ak jadi penyokong je..*
and.lets the pictures tell everything.*xlarat nk cite byk2*....




*depan restoran laksamana cheng ho*
eh.didit terjoin lah pulak.haha.suke je busy2 msuk gmbar org.


*ayien n ainul*


*the end*

02 October 2009


Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Even if the sky is falling down,
Down, down
Ooh (ohhh)

You oughta know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control,

So leave it behind ’cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down,

Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me,
I’ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway,
So leave it behind ’cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,

(So why don’t we run away)

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down,

Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,
She gets down low for me,
Down like her temperature, ’cause to me she zero degree,
She cold, overfreeze,
I got that girl from overseas,
Now she my miss America,
now can i be her soldier please,
I’m fighting for this girl,
I’m a battlefield of love,
Don’t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,
Don’t you ever leave the side of me,
Indefinitely, not probably,
and honestly im down like the economy,

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down

*i'm down*