31 March 2012

S570 - spot me!


just a short & quick post.
suppose there are two kittens in this picture..can u spot where is the other kitten? hihi

till then.


30 March 2012

S569 - Techies Kite Flying


since some of us (including me!) will be graduating really soon, so we must spend this ONE month time to cherish the moment with our beloved course mates.

a part of the victorian-theme dinner, there are several pre-events been planned. and one of them is Kite Flying. it is funn to see how everyone are struggling to fly their kite.macam2 gaya.haha.and i manage to fly my kite which i dont expect it at all since i just buy the cheapest kite.and dah lame tak main layang2.hihi.

oke then.lets pictures describe the moment..

*my kite and ob's kite flying high*

till then.


20 March 2012

S568 - words


a malay quote about women,

seorang wanita sanggup menyembunyikan rasa cintanya berpuluh-puluh tahun.. namun sayang, seorang wanita tak mampu menyembunyikan rasa cemburunya walau hanya sesaat

 and it's true!

18 March 2012

S567 - the weekend


me spent the my free-lecture friday and saturday doing final year project.all the time coding for fyp.i thought this semester i can have a leisure time, bole goyang kaki je since i had started doing this coding thingy since last semester kowt. but well, client always come first and what a program developer need to do is re-structure, re-structure and re-structure the application until client satisfy with it.pity me as the program developer =(

whatever it is, all these nightmare will end up very soon.im graduating in 6 weeks time.yeahhh!

oke.lets leave fyp for a while and read book!

goodnite readers =)


16 March 2012

S566 - cerita hati


beginilah kehidupan.hidup tak selalunya indah.kadang kala kita di atas, kadang kala kita di bawah.

untuk berjaya, kita perlu berusaha sebaik mungkin sebab kejayaan tidak akan datang bergolek, tetapi janganlah berputus asa jika hasilnya nanti tidak mencapai target kita.

bak kata orang, "bila kita jatuh, baru lah kita belajar untuk bangun".

apabila kita mengharapkan sesuatu, janganlah bersedih jika pihak tersebut tidak dapat memenuhi hasrat dan impian kita.kita perlu ingat, pihak tersebut juga mempunyai kehidupan sendiri yang perlu difikirkan.mungkin pihak tersebut mempunyai urusan lain yang lebih penting daripada memenuhi hasrat dan impian kita.think positive.

kalau asyik think negative aje, macam mane nk bahagia.

oke lah.itu je cerita hati untuk hari ini.

sekian, wsalam~

04 March 2012

S565 - of movie-thon


this weekend shud be declared as movie-thon weekend for me since this is the first time i watch six movies in a row! six movies are quite a lot for people like me who do not really love watching movies and i can even sleep while watching movies in the cinema..start with Just Go With It, end with Di Bawah Lindungan Kaabah.among them, the last movie is the best!

and btw, my mom send me an email.telling story about puko.cute je puko ni.hihi.

and and, finally i create a new facebook account.again.and friends keep spamming my wall, "rase mcm dah byk kali approve friend request ko ni".sorry la kawan-kawan.my 'old' facebook account is temporary locked.tskk..

till then.happy monday guys!


03 March 2012

S564 - santai petang


santai petang is an event JUST FOR FUN held at tasik yutipi. eventhough it was raining that evening, but still there are lots of people coming.well, yutipi student really loves this kind of event.sape yang tak suke having fun kan? walaupun tepakse meredah hujan, sangguh je datang.saya pon suke event2 mcm ni...

emm.there are some senior selling their un-used fashionable clothes and stuffs, ala2 carboot sales dah.there are band show too, band show is a must i guess for this kind of  so-called 'having fun' event.
haa, and one of my coursemate sells red velvet cupcakes and pavlova and they taste sooo yummy! fyi, he is really good in baking and love to bake.hihi..

and the scenery at tasik yutipi that evening is really really beautiful.masya Allah.

oke then.lets the picture continue the story..

*this is him selling his cupcakes and pavlova.*

*the crowd.*

 *rose and ob*

 *my coursemates.ob, ayien, amad, mona, dini*

 *dqeen, mira, amad*

 *me and friends picnic-ing*

 *the band show!*

 *ob, mira, me, ayien*

 *the girls*

 *planned candid*



 *they are roomates*

*girls on the bridge*

the end of a story at tasik yutipi.

just two months left.time to cheerish the moments girls!

having a beautiful lake,  a grand chancellor hall, a glassy library are the reason why i still love yutipi.hihi =)