semalam ak penat gile.xtaw la sebab ape.tros rase cm xsihat.nk pegi, xnak pegi clinic utp.*demands2 lak kn.haha*.lgpon clinic utp tue xbrape nk bole jadi lg sakit je bile pegi situ. =P oleh itu, ak nk pesan kepada kawan2 yg amek medic tue, blaja btol2 ea.jgn nk asek men game je.ak rotan nanti kang.*selambe je kn nk marah diorg.HAHA*nanti kalo sakit bole jumpe korang je.xyah penat2 nk pegi clinic.haha.sbb bile ak tensen or penat tros rase cm xsihat.bru masuk event kt utp da tensen2 smpai rase cm nk sakit.kalo da keje dgn petron@s nanti, xtaw la jadi ape plak en.mmg kne menetap kt hospital plak kowt.ish3.
selepas terase sgt3 miserable tahap max.ak pon decide nk pegi jejalan.jejalan kt dlm umah je pown.hee.ak pegi bilik ayin.tgk2, die tgh modify baju die.haaa.ak tros jadik excited bile tgk brg2 jahit, ak offer lah nk tlong jahitkn baju ayin.bile dpt jahit, ak tros jadi happy =)
*after.tmbah tgn kt baju tue.ade nmpak pebezaan x?*
emm.mlm tue plak, atul ajak pegi TESCO sbb die nk pegi beli brg2 umah.pegi dgn ayin, qilah n midah.haa.wlpn tdi ak terase mcm nk sakit, tp, bile org ajak pegi shopping.tros hilang rase sakit tue.xyah makan ubat pon is the best everyday keeps the doctor away.waa.nmpaknye kne buat umah kt tepi shoping complex lah, ak sebenarny dlm proses nk berubah, jadi seorg yg berjimat cermat.adoii.
pastu on da way pegi tesco, ak discover moo atul injured kt badan die.mybe sbb telebey mkn kowt.belubang kt atas bdn die.smpai bole masukn gunting.mase ak masukn gunting tue, ak da ckp kt die.kalo sakit bgtaw ea.die xckp pape pon.ak pon cucuk jela.HAHA.after buat operation, bdn die da oke blek.die pon happy.
pastu on da way pegi tesco, ak discover moo atul injured kt badan die.mybe sbb telebey mkn kowt.belubang kt atas bdn die.smpai bole masukn gunting.mase ak masukn gunting tue, ak da ckp kt die.kalo sakit bgtaw ea.die xckp pape pon.ak pon cucuk jela.HAHA.after buat operation, bdn die da oke blek.die pon happy.

*moo da happy.comel kn die.gemok gile.*
*moo da happy.comel kn die.gemok gile.*
2nd patient ak hari nie, patrick.midah nye.injured kt tangan.dgn seluar die tekoyak sket.mybe sbb hyperactive sgt kowt.asek maen jek dgn spongebob.lompat sane.lompat sini.haish.disebabkn injured, die amek cuti jap from belakon.alhamdullilah,die da bejaya diselamatkn la.die da bole belakon dgn spongebob.patrick da happy.
*muke patrick after operation.happy*
jarum n benang bole buat ak happy!
sekian, wslam.
sekian, wslam.
Ayob aku injured kritikal
meh la bilik ak.ak jahitkn.
bwk la skali benang.
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