29 November 2009

S225 - holiday


saya nk pegi holiday.yeay!*big smile*
bek pegi jalan2 drpd duk umah tido je kn.nk enjoy puas2 b4 7 december nie.sbb xtaw lah lepas nie bape hari xle cakap kn.*cmne nk idup kalo xle cakap nie.xkan nk msg je.abes lah kredit i* holiday nie hanya satu kebetulan.paksu n maksu nk blek KL, kete kosong je.bek bwk saya skali kn.hee.nak pegi mane tue, xsure lg.depands kt paksu lah nk bwk pegi mane.shoping mybe.abeslah duet scholar bulan.*harap2 petronas xtaw ak menyalahgunekn duet scholar.kalo x abeslah kne terminate scholar.haha*

plan nk jumpe rumate terchenta.die nk pegi try wedding dress.ak oke je nk teman kn.emm.da xsabar2 nak kawen ke?hee.*ak nk jadi pengapit taw bile ko kawen nanti* n plan nk jumpe cazen yg da lame xjumpe.raya haji ritue pon xsempat nk jumpe.T___T.miss u sooo much.nanti kite jumpe kt alamanda ea.

lepas 4 hari kt KL, nk pegi langkawi lak,nk tgk LIMA.n frankly speaking, nie lah first tyme ak nek flight sorang.b4 dis mesti ade teman.tp, kali nie xde sape nk teman.sobsobsob.tkot jadi cm cite HOME ALONE lah.turun flight je tgk2 da sabah ke.when ur at a place that u don't know and u are alone.what should u do? *jwpan nye, first step, mesti call mak n nanges tros!.wink.wink*

ok lah.happy holiday kepada sesape yg tgh berholiday. n gudluck kepada sesape yg nk amek final exam.

kepada qilah, gudluck test jpj nanti.jgn langgar biaw*k tyme blaja kete mcm ak.nanti fail lak.wee.


AqilahSuhaimi said...

ckp naik bas
ni naik flightt
ainull tipppuu akuu

Ainul Husna said...

eh.mane de tipu.cite nie latest nye lah.tibe mr daddy berbaik hati nk blanje kn.ak oke je.haha