18 January 2010

S256 - hadiah

salam sume.

disebabkn tajuk pase hadiah, so ak nk cite pase hadiah lah.sebenarnye lame da nk update, tp internet utp nie cm xbape betol lah.oke.smbung cite.qilah ade bg ak hadiah.semangt gile die balut hadiah.bukan senang qilah nk balut hadiah.kn qilah kn? wlpn balutan qilah sgt unik, ak tetap hargai.n ak xfaham nape die bg ak cawan gmbar lembu.pape pon, thankx qilah!

*nie card yg qilah bg kt ak*
oke.ak taw korang mesti xfaham kn ape yg qilah tuleh.gmbar nie blur bukan salah tulisan qilah, tp salah camera phone ak yg xbape byk sgt megapixels nye.xpe2.ak translate ea

1. jgn komen pasel pembalutan!
2. luv YU
3. Smoga terus DL
4. Jejom carik jodoh
5. always be my fren!
till death do us Part!

*cawan lembu tersebut*

emm.ak setuju dgn sume2 wishes die tue.except part carik jodoh tue.emmxnak lah.da jumpe kowt.wah!confidentnye ainul.haha.

hari nie hari yg sgt boring.ak tingin sgt nk pegi cameron.nk beli dried strawberry.nk berhappy-happy day kt sane.ak dpt rasekn, mesti ak bole jadik happy gile kalo dpt pegi cameron.*i got the feeling* sesape tolong lah bwk ak pegi cameron.please.please.please.....*jgn smbung dgn lagu alif satar lak.haha*

satu lagi, ak tingin sgt nk pegi kfc taman maju tue.rase looser sgt.sbb sume org da biase pegi kfc tmn maju tue.hari tue mmg da plan nk pegi sane, tp full gile.so, kteorg pon pegi laa kfc bt gajah.kosong je.org bt gajah sume pegi kfc taman maju ke.haish~

esok da start clas.malasnyeee...

k la.gtg.



AqilahSuhaimi said...

sbb ko asyik pakai yg infamous-that-nobody-can-ever-touch mug tuh

Abir Abhar said...


Ainul Husna said...

amboi.kutuk mug ak eh qilah.xfamous pon, cantik oke.haha

jom abir.jom!

rosearienah said...

aku pun x penah pegi lagi.

Anonymous said...

comel mug!

Ainul Husna said...


Tyazizul said...

hye..thanks for the wish....
doakan the love last forever..
:) :)

tya ilyana