17 May 2011

S452 - venice, italy


saya janji nie last post pasal italy.insyaAllah.dh lame sbnrye post nie ade dlm draft.tp, tak terpost2.emm.oke.nk cite pasal venice.

emm.saya xde byk cite sgt pasal venice.sbb mase kt venice saya tak brape sihat and asek ingt nk balik graz je.

tp, ape yg saya bole cite ialah mmg best naek gondola kt venice.kalo sape2 nk pegi venice, mesti naek gondola.sbb naek gondola je dah bole ade feel venice.haha.harga die oke je.one trip EUR20 per person. =)

and selaen gondola, murano glass nie pon famous jugak kt italy.n katenye murano glass nie berasal from venice.tp, xtaw la original ke tak.sbb harga die murah sgt.haha.murah sgt pon susah, mahal sgt pon susah.abes tue nk harga mcm mane kan? haiyaa.

haa.masquerade mask pon famous kt venice.kt mane2 pon bole ade.ade mcm2 fesyen jugak.kalo sesape yg minat mask, bole la dtg sini n beli satu. =)

oke la.itu je cite pasal venice.need to sleep now.hope everything will be fine tomorrow.

sekian, wsalam~


dqeen said...

u having so much fun! thanks for the postcard ainul. cantik poskad tu.

visit semua ceruk tau ainul!

Ainul Husna said...

u're welcome =)

sory sbb xdpt hntar satu2 poskad tue.mahal sgt la.haha.


Hotel Venice Airport said...

It's really nice to see visitors from all over the world to be interested in Venetian beauty.