saya bru balik from Espana trip.
and first destination kteorg ialah Porto.agak penat jugak la mase smpai sini after one day flight.flight die tak lame pon actually, tp, sbb kteorg tepakse amek pegi london dulu, then from london bru amek flight pegi porto.transit2 nie yg lame sbnrye.
oke la.xpenting pon cite2 pasal transit nie.nk smbung cite pasal porto.
Porto nie second city for Portugal.tempat die agak cantik sbb dekat tepi laut.and main attraction kt sini of course la, bukan la cruise yg besar mcm titanic kecik je mcm gmbr kt bawah nie.haha.
and satu lagi bende yg popular kt Portugal is rooster.mule2 xfaham jugak nape popular sgt, rupe2 nye ade sejarah die nape rooster nie femes.
then kterog pegi satu gallery kt porto.cantik jugak gallery nie sbb design die ala2 chinese temple.
then, kteorg pegi Sea Life.Sea Life nie ala2 Underwater World kt Langkawi tue je.mule2 ingat bole tgk shark yg besar kt sini, rupenye kteorg tertipu.ade baby shark je.haiyaa.xpela.da beli tiket, masuk jela.enjoy2 wlpn xdela best sgt pon.
dah penat2 jalan, pegi la makan kt McDonald sbb McDonald paling senang nk cari.n so far, McDonald dkt Porto nie yg plaing cantik! laen dr yg laen.tgk la enterance die, cantik kan?
and kt bawah nie gmbr one of the building kt Porto city.
oke la.itu lah sume cite pasal Porto.the next morning, kteorg amek bus utk ke lisbon pulak.nanti smbung cite pasal lisbon pulak ye.
sekian, wsalam~
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