03 December 2012

S582 - APICTA 2012


so, here we are, in Brunei! Alhamdullilah, we been selected to be the winner for one of the national APICTA 2012 category. oh ya, fyi, my lecturer sent Hajj-G for this competition and we never expect to win at all. mungkin rezeki. and now we're here representing Malaysia for the category. yahuu! a part of being able to visit in Brunei FOC, dapat special leave for one week pun dah cukup besar rahmatNya. well, my boss always know i need a leave since i've been working so hard lately. attending 8-hours meeting every weekdays for one whole month.memang penat lah kan?

okay, working is not everyhting.let's continue with APICTA 2012. we arrived Brunei on Saturday evening, and we only start to rehearse and prepare the demo this morning. and again, alhamdullilah, the presentation goes very well. all the judges, except one chinese judge, seem to understand what our project is all about and how it benefit to the community. to be honest, both of us, especially my lecturer were very worried on how to convince the judges that our android apps can benefit pilgrims since we are competing for international level and obviously there are higher probability to get non-muslim judges rather than muslim judges. hmm, winning or losing does matter, as long as we have tried or best.

haa! all these while; the first two days in Brunei, were are just having fun staying in this first class hotel; The Empire Hotel and Country Club, in a sea view room. subhanallah, sangat cantik. enjoying the sea breeze every morning. superb! of course i'm taking this oppurtunity to relax, have enough rest, not thinking about works, since i'm having a restless life lately. plus we haven't met each other for quite some times, too many stories to updates about life, working and loveee. 

in conclusion, during these three days, we only work for only 4-hours and spend rest of the time having fun!

till then, wsalam~

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