sptutnye saya dah post pasal Birmingham last month.tp, ntah ape la problem blogger nie.xle nk upload gmbr byk and kalo nk share cite pasal birmingham skang, mcm dah sgt tak up-to-date kan?
so, nk cite pasal my life 15 years ago, which i live in Birmingham during that time.so, pegi Birmingham lagi skali tuk mengenang zaman kecik-kecik dulu la.haha.
before tue, nk cite kt Birmingham ade Cadbury World.dkt Bournville to be specific.kt sini die just tunjuk cara buat chocolate, history chocolate, bole try2.haha.itu jela basicly ape yg ade kt Cadbury World nie.
and Aston Villa nye stadium kt belakang rumah saya je.kalo hari yg ade match mmg byk kete la.
so, kalo hari yg ada match, xle la kuar pegi mane2, sbb nanti xde tempat parking.haha.
oke la.abes dah cite.xde mood sgt pon nk cite sbb kt sini panas sgt la.lg panas dr malaysia agak nye.tiap2 hari sakit kepala =(
oke la.sekian, wsalam~
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