nk buat decision nk beli souvenir ape utk kawan itu dan kawan ini lagi susa dr jawab final exam kan?
u agree with me?
oke la.lets put that issue apart.this time, i want to talk about how i change a lot during these 8 be specific: in term of cooking.
yela, before this, cooking will be my last thing in my kinda hate cooking plus i dont really know how to cook.haha.and the first thing that my mom very worried about when i first get the offer to do my internship in austria is "what i will eat everyday".and i tell u, my mom buy me lotss of food include brahim, perencah nasi goreng, maggi, etc etc etc, all those eat-to-cook food, because back in malaysia, i rather keep myself hungry than go to the kitchen and make some food.malas gile kan? haha.
but, i had changed now! i love to cook! seriusly.
part 1.during the first month in graz, i have a malay friend who is my floormate and he is my batch mate back in malaysia.everyday, we will cook together.and one day, he asked me to chop one whole chicken into small pieces.b4 that, he asked me whether i know how to chop the chicken or not? obviously i will answer i know it! even though i dont have any ideas how to chop the chicken.saya TEPAKSE potong ayam tue.poor me.btw, i always accompany my mom to the market so i used to see how people chop chicken into pieces.i tried to recall and start to chop that chicken in my own way.and amazingly, i manage to do it.bravo me! of course im talented to chop a chicken because im a be sincere, that was my first time chopping one whole chicken into pieces. sekarang, saya dah terer lah.nanti kalo balik malaysia, saya dah confident nk masuk dapur and settlekn hal2 ayam nie. =P
oke.settle part 1.lets continue with part 2.since im here, i rarely find halal food and i cant live eating fillet-o-fish everyday.T___T seriusly, saya mmg malas gile nak masak mase mule2 smpai sini.better makan biscuit je.senang, smpai bile pon nk hidup dgn biscuit kan? so the only way to solve this problem is by cooking my own food.saya TEPAKSE,bile lame2 memasak, saya rase memasak nie fun lah! smpai tiap2 hari mesti fikir nak masak bende2 yg sgt complicated supaya bole spend byk2 masa dekat dapur.i really enjoy cutting cauliflower, carrot, onion.i love standing in front of the stove, waiting my food to cook.and now, i MUST cook at least once in a day, even a simple meal.skang saya dah pandai masak macam2.u know what, i even know how to cook nasi beriani now.lepas nie,balik malaysia,saya pulak lah yg in-charge memasak dekat dapur.
see.keadaan TEPAKSE sebenarye boleh mengubah seseorang kan? sbb before tepakse buat sesuatu tue, kite xkan pernah sedar kite sebenarye bole buat @ minat buat bende tue.*nape suddenly rase ayat last nie mcm serabut je.erk*

*nah, makan sausage*
oke la.thats all.cant wait to fly back and tell my mom, i love to cook!
p/s: just wondering what my Ken is doing rite now.emm...
sekian, wsalam~
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