28 December 2011

S554 - cat show 2011


me went to cat show last sunday.of course this show get me excited because i lovee cat.especially fat cat.haha.the photo of me and my aunty's fat cat is taken before our journey to cat show.she is cute kan?

oke.here we are!can u see the banner, Pertandingan Kucing Comel.this is a competition to be more exact.since i came here on the last day of the competition, it turns to be cat show instead of cat competition for my personal point of view.*suke hati je tuka name competition kan?* 

it is because most of the cat is sleeping! some of them are not-in-good mood.they dont even show any interest in entertaining anyone.haishh. sooo frustating.

let's see their bad-mood, sleepy cat faces.

 this white fluffy cat won two prizes.(one for the most friendly cat, one for the longest fur)

 can u see her booooring face? =(

 his name is toby.

 she dont even show her face when i call her..

 this cat won the overall prizes.

besides than cat competition, there are also sugar-glider competition. im shocked to know there are lots of sugar-glider freak.mybe because i prefer cat rather than sugar-glider.haha.

oke.i enclosed this post with the fat and long fur rabbit.i cant even see this rabbit's eyes because of the fur.

that's all.

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