21 August 2011

S506 - Zurich, Switzerland


setelah sekian lame, akhirnye dpt jugak saya post pasal trip before balik malaysia.since kiteorg nye contract hostel smpai 31july je, pape pon, kiteorg tepakse la travel for the last 10days dekat graz tue since flight balik malaysia 10august.

first destination ialah zurich, switzerland.austria neighbour je dgn switzerland.dekat je.kteog pegi sane dgn train.wlpn switzerland dgn austria dekat je, naek train still lame la jugak.almost 12hours.tp, disebabkn train dekat europe best, so, xdela stress sgt.haha.

oke.in conclusion, zurich sangat lah cantik.n taraf hidup sgt tinggi.hostel satu malam pon dah 50euro.selama 2hari saya dekat sini saya xjumpe langsung peminta sedekah.lake die pon cantik mybe sbb ade byk swan kowt.kt sini jugak ade water taxi lbey kurang mcm dkt venice, cume xde gondola je.haha.

emm.scenery2 dkt sini pon cantik jugak.kalo bole nk share sume gmbr yg saya amek dkt sini, tp, lupe pulak.ini blog bukanye mcm facebook bole buat satu photo album.hihi.and switzerland ade satu chocolate yg famous, brand Lindt.tp, rase die same je mcm chocolate yg laen.seperti biase, bangunan yg famous dkt sini ialah clock tower, and again, church.a.switzerland famous jugak dgn ski, tp, disebabkn im not that ski-type, xpayah la pegi.kebetulan pulak, mase saya dekat sane, ade fiesta.so diorg ade la masak2 makanan tradisonal diorg.xtaw la mcm mane rasenye sbb 1ramadhan saya di zurich. =)

oke la.that's all about zurich, switzerland.dah abes cite, tgk gmbr lah pulak ye.

sekian, wsalam~


UmarMita said...

bestnya dah smpai switzerland dah pun. huhu

Ainul Husna said...

kalo ade rezeki dtg la sini.best =)