09 September 2011

S515 - reunion


it had been a long time i haven't update my blog.i just in mood of reading others blog, not updating my own blog.hihi.most of my friends update about their eid mubarak celebration.erm.nothing special about my eid mubarak celebration.how bout yours?

oke.lets talk about eid mubarak later on.

yesterday i meet my close-friend.iylia.we are together since primary school till secondary school.we meet for a while because she is going back to shah alam tomorrow.i kinda miss her actually.plus i cant attend her open house last friday.hihi.so, we had some meal at Huski.a western meal.quite nice =) and we share stories, lots of stories.

and we plan to have another reunion mybe next month.she is coming to ipoh this time.yahuu.we (iffah, iylia and me) are primary-schoolmates and secondary-schoolmates.that makes us become more closer.our next reunion will be a perfect reunion together with iffah.i missing iffah too! =(

oh ya, i have a picture of my cat.posing like answering a phone call.haha.he has a cute paw btw.fluffy and pure white.

*hello.hello.anybody homeee*

oke then.got to go.will update pictures for my eid mubarak later.



song ae nul said...

Pukotam!!!!!!!!!!!!!Puko tepon sapa tu?Jangan tepon banyak kucing sangat.Nnti abih kredit!

Ainul Husna said...
